If you love God with all your heart, but have struggled with translating that deep love for God into a deep love for others, the EHR course is for you! The Emotionally Healthy Relationship course focuses on changing our relationships by teaching us eight practical skills that will help us love others well as mature followers of Jesus. Those skills include conflict resolution, incarnational listening, clarifying expectations, and exploring your family history. In learning these skills, you will also gain new tools, new language, and new strategies to remove roadblocks in your relationships.
Please consider joining us for this eight week immersive discipleship opportunity. The cost is $25, and includes two books that will be needed for the course. Please note that childcare will NOT be available.
The EHR Course will run on Sundays from February 9 to March 29, 2020 from 2 - 4 pm on both campuses.
To register, please use the form below or our New Life App or simply send an email to connect@newlifefoursquare.org.